Born January 14, 1915
Married Clyde Palmer
Died April 4, 1995
Gayle List
The last of this great List family was baby Gayle. Gayle was born January 14, 1915.
She married Clyde Aaron Palmer from Peebles. They had three children Earl Alfred born
July 2, 1940, Penelope Caroline born April 17, 1946 and Patty Jo born February 11,
1950. They lived most of their lives in Washington Court House, Ohio. Gayle was
a beautician (hairdresser), for a while professionally, but most of her life for
family and friends. Clyde worked his way up to become production manager at a
wholesale bakery, Pennington's.
Gayle and Clyde (taken behind Kitty's house)
Mama & Gayle

Patty, Clyde, gayle, and Penny (at Hugh's farm?) in 1967
Earl, Patty, Gayle, & Penny
(photo removed by request)
Penny Palmer (1958)
Patty Jo Palmer (1959)
Penny Palmer's family (2007) - Back row, left to right: Ron Bach, Ben Atkinson;
Front row: Penny Palmer Bach (Gayle's middle child), Gabriel Dean Atkinson, Emily Bach (my firstborn),
Allison Bach Atkinson (my youngest), Malcolm Joseph Atkinson